







邮箱:zhaoqs @ nicemice.cnqingshun @nju.edu.cn



1987年本科毕业于南京大学,获学士学位;1990年硕士研究生毕业于南京大学,获硕士学位;2001年博士研究生毕业于普度大学(purdue university, west lafayette, in, usa),获博士学位。博士毕业论文在paul collodi教授指导下完成,聚焦于斑马鱼发育过程中纤连蛋白各种异型体的鉴定和表征。2001-2003年在杜克大学医学中心(duke university medical centerelwood linney教授指导下进行博士后训练,从事视黄酸信号在斑马鱼后脑发育中作用及机制的研究。2003年全职加入南京大学模式动物研究,任副教授和pi2006年晋升为教授。


[1] li, n., jiang, d. y., he, l. q., yue, y. y., zhang, q. x., wang, s., zhang, y. f., wei, y. x., and zhao, q. s. (2022) both prokaryotes and eukaryotes produce an immune response against plasmids with 5 '-gtttgtt-3 ', cell biosci 12.

[2] he, l. q. q., zhang, q. x., jiang, d. y., zhang, y. f., wei, y. x., yang, y. x., li, n., wang, s., yue, y. y., and zhao, q. s. (2022) zebrafish foxc1a controls ventricular chamber maturation by directly regulating wwtr1 and nkx2.5 expression, j genet genomics 49, 559-568.

[3] li, n., gao, s. z., wang, s. a., he, s. j., wang, j. y., he, l. q., jiang, d. y., shi, y. s., zhang, j. g., gu, y., chen, t., kong, m. j., xu, x. j., and zhao, q. s. (2021) attractin participates in schizophrenia by affecting testosterone levels, frontiers in cell and developmental biology 9.

[4] zhang, q. x., liang, d., yue, y. y., he, l. q. q., li, n., jiang, d. y., hu, p., and zhao, q. s. (2020) axenfeld-rieger syndrome-associated mutants of the transcription factor foxc1 abnormally regulate nkx2-5 in model zebrafish embryos, journal of biological chemistry 295, 11902-11913.

[5] zhang, x. c., wang, f., dong, z. j., dong, x. h., chi, j., chen, h. g., zhao, q. s., and li, k. b. (2020) a new strain of yellow catfish carrying genome edited myostatin alleles exhibits double muscling phenotype with hyperplasia, aquaculture 523.

[6] jia, w., liang, d., li, n., liu, m., dong, z., li, j., dong, x., yue, y., hu, p., yao, j., and zhao, q. (2019) zebrafish microrna mir-210-5p inhibits primitive myelopoiesis by silencing foxj1b and slc3a2a mrnas downstream of gata4/5/6 transcription factor genes, j biol chem 294, 2732-2743.

[7] li, j. y., zhao, y. m., he, l. q. q., huang, y., yang, x. j., yu, l. l., zhao, q. s., and dong, x. h. (2019) znfl1s are essential for patterning the anterior-posterior axis of zebrafish posterior hindbrain by acting as direct target genes of retinoic acid, mech develop 155, 27-33.

[8] yue, y. y., jiang, m. y., he, l. q. q., zhang, z. j. j., zhang, q. x., gu, c., liu, m. j., li, n., and zhao, q. s. (2018) the transcription factor foxc1a in zebrafish directly regulates expression of nkx2.5, encoding a transcriptional regulator of cardiac progenitor cells, journal of biological chemistry 293, 638-650.



国家自然科学基金项目(31970769): 内源性视黄酸信号在斑马鱼心肌前体细胞特化及分化中的作用与机制研究, 20201-202312月;

国家重点研发计划(参与)(2019yfa0802803): 建立在体谱系示踪新技术, 201912-202411月;

国家重点研发计划(参与)(2018yfa0801002): 早期胚胎发育突变体系统研制,20199-20248月。


