
周 敏-欧洲杯下单平台









email: zhouminnju@126.com









  1. 工作简历



2008/8-2011/7, 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院,血管外科,住院医师;2011/8-2012/7, 德国汉堡大学附属医院,心脏中心,客座医生;

2012/8-2013/6, 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院,血管外科,主治医师;2013/6-2013/12,意大利罗马san filippo neri医院,血管中心,访问学者;2014/1-迄今,   南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院,血管外科,副主任医师;

  1. 科研情况简介

主要从事血管外科疾病诊疗与相关基础研究工作,尤其对小口径组织工程血管的构建、药物涂层血管支架的研制取得了一定成果,为临床解决血管移植物来源以及支架内膜增生再狭窄等问题提供了有效途径。曾受国家教育部、江苏省政府、省卫生厅等委派至英国伦敦大学圣乔治医院血管中心、德国汉堡大学附属医院心脏中心、意大利罗马san filippo neri 医院血管中心、法国里尔大学心肺中心访问学习。先后主持国家自然基金项目2项,省市级科研(人才)课题9项,以第一/通讯作者在国外重要学术期刊(sci)发表论文20 余篇;获得江苏省科技进步奖三等奖1 项、南京市科技进步奖二等奖1 项,江苏省医学新技术引进二等奖2 项;入选江苏省“333人才工程、江苏省“六大人才高峰”培养计划、江苏省“科教强卫”青年人才工程、南京市医技发展杰出青年、鼓楼医院学科学术后备人才等。

  1. 研究兴趣







  1. zhou minliu zhaowei zhiqingliu chenqiao tongran fengbai yanjiang xuefengding yin. development and validation of a small diameter vascular tissue from a decellularized scaffold coated with heparin and vascular endothelial growth factorartif organs200933(3):230~239

  2. zhou minliu zhaoli kunqiao weijiang xuefengran fengqiao tongliu changjian. beneficial effects of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor on small-diameter heparin immobilized decellularized vascular graftj biomed mater res a201095(2):600~610

  3. zhou minliu zhaoliu chengjiang xuefengwei zhiqingqiao weiran fengwang weiqiao tong liu changjian. tissue engineering of small-diameter vascular grafts by endothelial progenitor cells seeding heparin-coated decellularized scaffoldsj biomed mater res b: applied biomaterials2012100(1):111~120

  4. zhou minhuang dianliu chenqiao tong liu changjian. comparis on of hybrid procedure and open surgical revascularization for multilevel infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease.clinical interventions in aging20149:1595~1603

  5. min zhouzhao liuxin wangchun mao wei qiaotong qiaochangjian liu. development and in vivo evaluation of small diameter vascular grafts engineered by outgrowth endothelial cells and electrospun pcl/chitosan nanofibrous scaffoldstissue eng: part a201420(1-2):79~91

  6. wang q zhou mzhou yji jraithel dqiao t. effects of carotid endarterectomy on cerebral reperfusion and cognitive function in patients with high grade carotid stenosis: a perfusion weighted magnetic resonance imagingstudyeur j vasc endovasc surg201550(1):5~12

  7. tang hanfeiyu tongsun kwang-hsiaozhang wenwenzhang yepengzhou chuliu chengliu changjianzhou minliu zhao. development of a cell-seeding technique using electric field force onto polycaprolactone scaffolds for vascular tissue engineeringjournal of biomaterials and tissue engineering20155(8):647~654

  8. sun chongqian qiuhuiyu hongxingchen libinyang xiaodizhou minyang xujiemao chun. incorporation of water-insoluble resveratrol into nanoscale poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) matrix and their bio-propertiesscience of advanced materials20146(8):1900~1906

  9. huang chenzhou minliu zhaohuang dianran fengwang weizhang mingliu chengliu chenqiao tongliu changjian. a computed tomography-based study exploring the feasibility of endovascular treatment of type a aortic dissection in the chinese populationjournal of endovascular therapy201421(5):707~713

  10. chong sunqiaorong handaoying wangweimin xuweijuan wangwenbo zhao min zhou. a label-free and high sensitive aptamer biosensor based on hyperbranched polyester microspheres for thrombin detectionanalytica chimica acta2014850:33~40

  11. huang chenliu zhaohuang dianqiao tongzhou minliu changjian. application of unibody single-branched endografts in stanford type b dissection with primary entry tear adjacent to the left subclavian artery :a ct based planning studyann vasc surg201529(6):1174~1180

  12. qi wangyu zhoutong qiao min zhou. clinical performance of biodegradable vs. permanent polymer drug-eluting stent: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials at long term follow-upexp ther med20159(4):1545~1556

  13. tang hwang qwang xzhou jzhu mqiao tliu cmao czhou m. effect of a novel stent on re-endothelialization, platelet adhesion, and neointimal formationjournal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis201623(1):67~80

  14. huang czheng xmei hzhou m. rescuing impaired re-endothelialization of drug eluting stents using the hepatocyte growthfactorann vasc surg201636:273~282

  15. huang ctang hqiao tliu czhou m. early results of chimney technique for type b aortic dissectionsextending to the aortic archcardiovasc intervent radiol201639(1):28~35

  16. yepeng zhangjianping zhouhanfei tangzhao liutong qiaochangjian liumin zhou. the imaging assessment and specific endograft design for the endovascular repairof ascending aortic dissectionclin interv aging201611:933~940

  17. zhang y, liu z, zhou m, liu c.microrna-129-5p inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation by targeting wnt5a.exp ther med. 2016 oct;12(4):2651-2656

  18. huang cmei hzhou mzheng x. a novel pdgf receptor inhibitor-eluting stent attenuates in-stentneointima formation in a rabbit carotid modelmol med rep201715(1):21~28

  19. chen h, wang x, zhou q, xu p, liu y, wan m, zhou m, mao c.preparation of vascular endothelial cadherin loaded-amphoteric copolymer decorated coronary stents for anticoagulation and endothelialization.langmuir. 2017;33(46):13430-13437

  20. huang h, jiao y, zhang y, zhu y, liu z, qiao t, liu c, zhang x, zhou m.implantation of unibody single-branched stent graft for patients with type b aortic dissections involving the left subclavian artery: 1-year follow-up outcomes.cardiovasc intervent radiol. 2017 ;40(11):1678-1686

  21. liu z, zhang y, liu c, huang d, zhang m, ran f, wang w, shang t, qiao t, zhou m, liu c.treatment of serious complications following endovascular aortic repair for type b thoracic aortic dissection.j int med res. 2017,45(5):1574-1584



  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81771952分区载药生物可吸收支架的制备及其血管正性重构作用机制的研究,2018/01-2021/1255万元,在研,主持;

  2. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,bk20171115新型药物涂层生物可吸收支架的制备及其血管修复性治疗机制的研究2017/07-2020/0610万元,在研,主持;

  3. 江苏省科技厅社会发展重点项目,be2015603,“内皮友好型”药物涂层外周血管支架的研制,2015/07-2018/0680万元,在研,主持;

  4. 南京市医技发展“杰出青年”项目,jqx14002pro-healing药物涂层外周血管支架的制备及其抗再狭窄机制研究,2014/07-2017/0650万元,在研,主持;

  5. 南京市医技发展一般项目,ykk16080,基于3d打印技术的生物可降解外周血管支架的研制与性能评价,2017/01-2019/128万元,在研,主持;

  6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81201210,应用细胞自组装及电场诱导技术构建off-t he-shelf 组织工程血管,2013/01-2015/1223万元,已结题,主持;

  7. 江苏省卫生厅科研课题,z201308,两性离子化学修饰血管支架及其抗凝血机制研究2013/8-2016/72万元,已结题,主持;







