
电话:邮箱:yuannju@nju.edu.cn 地址:南京市汉口路22号研究方向:


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2020.12~至今     南京大学医学院 硕士生导师

2019.12~至今     南京大学医学院 副教授

2015.09~2019.11南京大学医学院 副研究员


副教授,硕士生导师,曾在美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校(university of north carolina at chapel hill)药学院访学。近年来,主要关注微/纳米药物自组装机制、规模化制备及其在抗肿瘤免疫治疗中的应用。围绕该领域,在nature communications, advanced materialsacs nano, advanced functional materials(封面论文)等期刊发表sci论文40余篇,引用3800余次。获得2017年教育部技术发明一等奖(排3)、2018年江苏省专利金奖(主要专利发明人)、2019年江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程、2020年教育部自然科学一等奖(排4)、2022年江苏省333高层次人才(第3层次)等奖项或支持。

中国药学会 会员;

中国化学会 会员;

nature communications, advanced materialsacs nanoj controlled release等期刊审稿人;

[1] yuxiang wang, weiran wang, rong gu, jing chen, qian chen, tingsheng lin*, jinhui wu, yiqiao hu*ahu yuan*in situ vaccination with mitochondria-targeting immunogenic death inducer elicits cd8 t cell-dependent antitumor immunity to boost tumor immunotherapyadvanced science, 2023, 2300286

[2] yuxiang wang, jing chen, rumeng duan, rong gu, weiran wang, jinhui wu, huibo lian*, yiqiao hu*, ahu yuan*high-z-sensitized radiotherapy synergizes with the intervention of the pentose phosphate pathway for in situ tumor vaccinationadvanced materials, 2022

[3] zhusheng huang, dan yao, jinhui wu, yiqiao hu* and ahu yuan*, gadolinium–zoledronic acid coordination polymer nanorods for improved tumor radioimmunotherapy by synergetically inducing immungenic cell death and reprogramming immunosuppressive microenvironment, acs nano, 2021, 15, 5, 8450–8465

[4] zhusheng huang, yuxiang wang, dan yao, jinhui wu, yiqiao hu*, ahu yuan*, nanoscale coordination polymers induce immunogenic cell death by amplifying radiation therapy mediated oxidative stress, nat commun, 2021 jan 8;12(1)

[5] yuxiang wang, yawen ding, dan yao, hong dong, changwei ji*, jinhui wu, yiqiao hu* and ahu yuan*, copper-based nanoscale coordination polymers augmented tumor radioimmunotherapy for immunogenic cell death induction and t-cell infiltration, small 2021, 17, 2006231

[6] li wang, zhicheng zhang, yawen ding, jinhui wu, yiqiao hu* and ahu yuan*novel copper-based and ph-sensitive nanomedicine for enhanced chemodynamic therapy, chem. commun., 2020, 56

[7] shaoju gan, xiaoning tong , yue zhang, jinhui wu, yiqiao hu*, and ahu yuan*covalent organic framework-supported molecularly dispersed near-infrared dyes boost immunogenic phototherapy against tumorsadvanced functional materials, 2019, 29, 1902757 (cover story)

[8] w. wang, y. cheng, p. yu, h. wang, y. zhang, h. xu, q. ye,a. yuan*, y. hu*, j. wu*, perfluorocarbon regulates the intratumoural environment to enhance hypoxia-based agent efficacy, nat commun 10(1) (2019) 1580.


[1] 2024-2027,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人);

[2] 2022-2025,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人);

[3] 2022-2027年,国家重点研发计划“前沿生物技术”重点专项(参与,研究骨干);

[4] 2018-2020年,中央高校基本科研业务经费(项目负责人);

[5] 2017-2022年,国家重点研发计划“纳米科技”重点专项(参与,研究骨干);

[6] 2016-2019,国家自然科学青年基金项目(项目负责人);

[1] 2017年,教育部技术发明一等奖(第3完成人);

[2] 2018年,南京市高层次人才(高校c类人才);

[3] 2018年,江苏省专利金奖(主要专利发明人);

[4] 2019年,江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程

[5] 2020年,教育部自然科学一等奖(第4完成人);

[6] 2022年,江苏省第六期333人才(第三层次);
