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本人近年来围绕血液肿瘤的生物治疗开展研究,共发表sci论文89篇,其中作为第一或通讯作者在nat commun, cell death differ, adv funct mater等高影响力期刊发表文章共56篇;参与编写血液学英文专著1部、中文专著1部;主持包括三项国家自然科学基金等项目十余项,目前在研课题包括1国家级面上项目和1项国家重点研发计划子课题,可支配经费300余万元;申请专利13项(授权11项),1 项研究成果获得南京转化研究院重点培育项目进入孵化阶段(2020),牵头研究者发起的临床试验2项,研究成果被nature、顶级专业期刊blood及国际著名科技媒体nanotech等大幅引用及高度评价。

1.      中华医学会血液学分会青年委员会,委员

2.      江苏省医学会血液学分会青年委员会,副主任委员

3.      江苏省研究型医院协会浆细胞病专委会,委员兼秘书长

4.      江苏省医师协会遗传分会,委员

5.        南京市医学会血液学分会青年委员会,副主任委员

frontiers in oncologyannals of blood、中国输血杂志等杂志section editor

1.      overcoming hypoxia by multistage nano delivery system to inhibit mitochondrial respiration for photodynamic therapy. advanced functional materials, 2019, 29, 1807294 if=18.808

2.      ailoring the component of protein corona via simple chemistry,nature communication, 2019,10, 4520 if=14.919

3.      licochalcone a suppresses sp1 expression with potential anti-myeloma activity. cancer commun (lond). 2021,19 if=10.392

4.      doxorubicin-loaded platelets as a smart drug delivery system: an improved therapy for lymphoma. sci rep, 2017, 7, 42632 if=5.379

5.      ultrafast glucose-responsive, high loading capacity erythrocyte to self-regulate the release of insulin. acta biomaterialia, 2018, 69, 301-312 if=10.947

6.      platinum prodrug inhibiting tumor recurrence and metastasis by  concurrent chemo radiotherapy. journal of nanobiotechnology.(2022) 20:129. if=10.509

7.      anti-fas antibody conjugated nanoparticles enhancing the antitumor effect of camptothecin by activating the fas−fasl apoptotic pathway.acs appl mater inter. 2016;8(44):29950-29959. if=10.383

8.      screening t‑cell activity via a photodetachable dna-copolymer nanocage and its therapeutic application.analytical chemistry.2022,94, 38, 13205-13214. if=8.808

9.      overcoming the blood-brain barrier by using a multistage platelet delivery system to inhibit central nervous system lymphoma. nanomedicine: nanotechnology, biology and medicine.2022,01,15499634. if=8.458

10.   ultrafast glucose-responsive, high loading capacity erythrocyte to self-regulate the release of insulin. acta biomaterialia, 2018, 69, 301- 312 if=8.947

11.   prmt5 regulates cell pyroptosis by silencing casp1 in multiple myeloma, cell death disease. 2021,16;12(10):851 if=8.469

12.   novel two-chain structure utilizing kirs2/dap12 domain improves the safety and efficacy of car-t cells in adults with r/r b-all. mol ther oncolytics. 2021,28;23:96-106 if=7.200

13.   vincristine-loaded platelets coated with anti-cd41 mabs: a new proposal for the treatment of immune thrombocytopenia. biomater science, 2019, 7, 4568-4577 if=6.843

14.   nitroxide-radicals-modified gold nanorods for in vivo ct/mri-guided photothermal cancer therapy. int j nanomedicine. 2018, 13, 7123-7134 if=6.4

15.   daunorubicin-loaded cdte qds conjugated with anti-cd123 mabs: a novel delivery system for myelodysplastic syndromes treatment. int j nanomedicine. 2020, 15, 521-536 if=6.4

16.   acetazolamide-loaded ph-responsive nanoparticles alleviating tumor acidosis to enhance chemotherapy effects. macromolecular bioscience, 2019, 19(2): 11 if=4.979

17.   gene signatures and prognostic values of m6a-related genes in multiple myeloma. curr res transl med. 2021;69(2):103288 if=4.513

18.   identification of three immune molecular subtypes associated with immune profiles, immune checkpoints, and clinical outcome in multiple myeloma,cancer med,2021;10(20):7395-7403 if=4.45

19.   doxorubicin-loaded platelets as a smart drug delivery system: an improved therapy for lymphoma. sci rep, 2017, 7, 42632 if=4.379

20.   characteristics and mutation analysis of ph-positive leukemia patients with t315i mutation receiving tyrosine kinase inhibitors. oncotargets and therapy, 2017, 10: 4731-4738 if=4.147

21.   a centromere-associated gene score for rapid determination of risk in multiple myeloma. american journal of translational research. 2020, 12, 2425-2438 if=4.060

22.   bortezomib activation of mtorc1 pathway mediated by nox2-drived reactive oxygen species results in apoptosis in primary dorsal root ganglion neurons. experimental cell research.2021;400(2):112494 if=3.905

23.   pre-treatment red blood cell distribution width provides prognostic information in multiple myeloma. clinica chimica acta, 2018, 481, 34-41 if=3.786

24.   plp2 expression as a prognostic and therapeutic indicator in high-risk multiple myeloma. biomed res int, 2020, 4286101 if=3.411

25.   expression of mage-c1/ct7 provides prognostic information in multiple myeloma. leukemia & lymphoma, 2017, 58(1): 244-246 if=3.28

26.   mir-181a enhances drug sensitivity of mixed lineage leukemia- rearranged acute myeloid leukemia by increasing poly(adp-ribose) polymerase1 acetylation. leuk lymphoma. 2021;62(1):136-146 if=3.28

27.   effects of digoxin on cell cycle, apoptosis and nf-kappa b pathway in burkitt's lymphoma cells and animal model. leukemia & lymphoma, 2017, 58(7): 1673-1685 if=3.28

28.   tp53 mutation predicts the poor prognosis of non-hodgkin lymphomas: evidence from a meta-analysis. plos one, 2017, 12(4): 14 if=3.24

29.   anti-cd22-conjugated cdte qds co-loaded with doxorubicin and gambogic acid: a novel platform for lymphoma treatment. rsc advances, 2017, 7(54): 33905-33913 if=3.119

30.   correlation of mir- 181a and three hoxa genes as useful biomarkers in acute myeloid leukemia. int j lab hematol, 2020, 42, 16-22 if=2.877

31.   wogonin inhibits growth of mantle cell lymphoma cells, through nuclear factor-κb signaling pathway. chin med j, 2018, 4, 495-497 if=2.628

32.   development of follicular lymphoma after treatment of diffuse large b- cell lymphoma: two case reports with review of literature. international journal of experimental pathology. 2018, 11, 324-332 if=1.925

33.   successful management of a complicated clinical crisis: a patient with left- sided endocarditis and secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: a rare case report and literature review. medicine, 2017, 96(51): 5 if=1.84

34.   doxorubicin-loaded cus nanoparticles conjugated with gflg: a novel drug delivery system for lymphoma treatment. nano, 2019, 14(1):11 if=1.566

35.   ,higher single dose of bortezomib plus thalidomide and dexamethasone is a promising therapy for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. translational cancer research, 2019, 8(5): 2099-2106 if=1.214

36.   refractory multiple myeloma with extramedullary plasmacytoma of the spleen and suspicious teratoma: a rare case report and literature review. int j clin exp pathol. 2021,15;14(4):455-462 if=0.805



1.      基于新型“car-血小板载药体系”的噬血细胞综合征免疫靶向治疗及机制研究,国家自然基金面上项目

2.      生物活体功能材料的疾病治疗应用,国家重点研发计划子课题

3.      激活休眠骨髓瘤细胞的作用及其机制研究,中央高校原创与交叉研究基金培育项目

4.      333高层次人才”(第五期),江苏省人社厅

5.      可靶、可视、可控的外泌体载药体系的设计及其抗中枢淋巴瘤效应研究南京市重点项目

6.      全反式维甲酸联合泼尼松对照泼尼松治疗初发/初治itp的前瞻性、单中心、随机、对照临床研究,南京鼓楼医院临床研究专项资金项目

7.      基于深度学习的显微高光谱图像血液肿瘤组织分类,华东师范大学上海市多维度信息处理重点实验室合作项目

1.      cd22-血小板-dox靶向载药系统的构建及其抗肿瘤效应研究,中华医学会第十六次全国血栓与止血会议优秀大会发言,二等奖,2017

2.      中华医学会第十七次会议全国血栓与止血学术会议最佳论文奖,2019

3.      血小板载化疗药物治疗恶性肿瘤的研究,江苏肿瘤医学科学技术奖,一等奖,2017

4.      基于免疫识别的靶向血小板载药体系在血液肿瘤的应用,省部级最佳论文奖,一等奖,2019

5.      基于人工智能的恶性血液病个体化诊疗策略体系构建与实施,省部级医学新技术引进奖,一等奖,2020

6.      强心甾类固醇及纳米技术治疗淋巴系统肿瘤的基础及临床转化研究,南京市科学技术进步奖,三等奖,2017
