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  1. gang li, lu ke, zhihui tong, weiqin li, xin ouyang, chunbo chen. is it necessary for all patients to use prokinetic agents

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  10. ke l, dong x, chen t, doig gs, li g,      ye b, zhou j, xiao x, tong z, li w; chinese acute pancreatitis      clinical trials group (capctg).  early on-demand drainage or standard      management for acute pancreatitis patients with acute necrotic collections      and persistent organ failure: a pilot randomized controlled trial. j      hepatobiliary pancreat sci. 2021 apr;28(4):387-396.

  11. zhang x, ye b, mao w, liu l, li g,      zhou j, zhang j, guo j, ke l, tong z, li w. major adverse kidney      events within 30 days in patients with acute pancreatitis: a      tertiary-center cohort study. hpb (oxford). 2021 jun 7:s1365-182x

  12. hao h, liu y, cao j, gao k, lu y,      wang w, wang p, lu s, hu l, tong z, li w. genomic new insights into      emergence and clinical therapy of multidrug-resistant klebsiella      pneumoniae in infected pancreatic necrosis. front microbiol. 2021      jun 25;12:669230.

  13. dong x, mao w, ke l, gao l, zhou j,      ye b, li g, phillips a, tong z, windsor j, li w, chinese acute      pancreatitis clinical trials group capctg. the diagnosis and treatment of      local complications of acute necrotizing pancreatitis in china: a national      survey. gastroenterol res pract. 2021 jul 10;2021:6611149.

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  18. wei      m, zhang j, qu c, et al. the involvement of renal capsule is associated      with acute kidney injury in patients with acute pancreatitis. front      med (lausanne). 2021;8:724184

  19. tang      q, gao l, tong z, li w. hyperlipidemia, covid-19 and acute pancreatitis: a      tale of three entities. am j med sci. 2022;s0002-9629(22)00132-x.

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  22. ke l,      zhou j, mao w, et al. immune enhancement in patients with predicted severe      acute necrotising pancreatitis: a multicentre double-blind randomised      controlled trial. intensive care med. 2022;48(7):899-909.

  23. 高堃,童智慧,李维勤. 胰腺坏死组织感染的影像学特征、微创介入方式及时机. 中国实用外科杂志,2019,39(6):575-580.

  24. 皋林,童智慧,李维勤. 美国胃肠病协会关于急性胰腺炎胰腺坏死处理临床实践专家共识更新解读. 中国实用外科杂志, 2019,39(12):1257-1264.

  25. 高堃,童智慧,李维勤. 胆源性胰腺炎诊治难点思考. 中国实用外科杂志, 2020,40(11):1270-1274.

  26. 高堃,瞿诚,童智慧,李维勤. 急性胰腺炎的严重度评估与重症化预测. 中国实用内科杂志, 2021,41(1):1270-1274.

  27. 张敬柱,杨洁,李刚,张和,柯路,周晶,叶博,刘玉秀,童智慧,李维勤. 胰腺坏死组织感染并发十二指肠瘘诊治及预后研究. 中国实用外科杂志, 2021,41(3):315-319.

  28. 高堃,童智慧,李维勤. 新的治疗模式下胰腺坏死组织感染开腹手术指征和时机的思考. 中国普通外科杂志, 2021,30(9):3-9.

1、2013.1-2015.12 胆道压力的变化在腹腔高压导致mods中的作用及机制探讨,国家自然科学基金青年项目(81200334,经费23万)

2、2017.1-2020.12 高密度脂蛋白通过sr-b1保护急性胰腺炎腺泡细胞损伤的作用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(81670588,经费58万

3、2015.7-2018.6 急性胰腺炎规范化诊疗研究,江苏省社会发展-重点病种规范化诊疗诊疗项目(be2015685,经费400万)

4、2016.7-2019.6 胰腺坏死感染微创治疗技术体系的建立--阶梯式引流新技术,江苏省重点研发计划(社会发展)项目(be2016749,经费400万)

5、2023.1-2026.12 海藻糖通过il-17a减轻重症急性胰腺炎损伤的作用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(81670588,经费53万



