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石云,教授、博导。生理学博士(佐治亚州立大学),在加州大学旧金山分校药理学系完成博士后训练。2013起分别在南京大学医学院模式动物研究所任教授和课题组长。入选海外青年人才计划,江苏省“双创”人才计划,获得江苏省杰出青年基金资助。主要研究方向为谷氨酸受体的结构、细胞内定位和功能;兴奋性突触的可塑性调节机制;精神和神经疾病的致病分子机理;新型离子通道的生理功能。主持和参加国家自然基金、科技部项目和省科技厅项目10余项。近期发现ampa受体glua1neuroplastin-65的互作在长时程突触增强中的关键作用;阐明谷氨酸受体突变导致认知障碍的遗传和突触机制;解析了kainate-型谷氨酸受体和辅助亚基的结构;揭示机械敏感tmem63家族通道的生理功能。发表sci论文60多篇,部分论文发表在naturemol psychiatrypnasneuronnature communicationscell reportselife等高影响力专业杂志上。

1.peng sx, pei j, rinaldi b, chen jiang, ge yh, jia m, wang j, delahaye-duriez a, sun j, zang yy, shi yy, zhang n, gao x, milani d, xu x, sheng n, gerard b, chen zhang c, bayat a, liu n, yang jj, shi ys (2022). dysfunction of ampa receptor glua3 is associated with aggressive behavior in human. mol psychiatry. online ahead of print

2.li qq, chen j, hu p, jia m, sun jh, feng hy, qiao fc, zang yy, shi yy, chen g, sheng n, xu y, yang jj, xu z, shi ys. (2022) enhancing glun2a-type nmda receptors impairs long-term synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. mol psychiatry. online ahead of print.

3.he l, sun j, gao y, li b, wang y, dong y, an w, li h, yang b, ge y, zhang xc, shi ys, zhao y. (2021) kainate receptor modulation by neto2. nature. 599(7884):325-329.

4.sun jh, chen j, ayala valenzuela fe, brown c, masser-frye d, jones m, romero lp, rinaldi b, li wl, li qq, wu d, gerard b, thorpe e, bayat a, shi ys. (2021) x-linked neonatal-onset epileptic encephalopathy associated with a gain-of-function variant p.r660t in gria3. plos genet. 17(6):e1009608

5.jiang ch, wei m, zhang c, shi ys. (2021) the amino-terminal domain of glua1 mediates ltp maintenance via interaction with neuroplastin-65. proc natl acad sci u s a. 118(9):e2019194118.

6.du h, ye c, wu d, zang yy, zhang l, chen c, he xy, yang jj, hu p, xu z, wan g, shi sy. (2020) the cation channel tmem63b is an osmosensor required for hearing. cell reports. 31:107596.

7.duan gf, xu s, ye y, tao w, nicoll ra, shi ys, and sheng n.(2018) signal peptide represses gluk1 surface and synaptic trafficking through binding to amino-terminal domain. nature communications. 9(1):4879.

8.sheng n, bemben ma, díaz-alonso j, tao w, shi ys, nicoll ra. (2018) ltp requires postsynaptic pdz-domain interactions with glutamate receptor/auxiliary protein complexes. proc natl acad sci u s a. 115(15):3948-3953.

9.sheng n, shi ys, nicoll ra. (2017) the amino-terminal domains of kainate receptors determine the differential dependence on neto auxiliary subunits for trafficking.proc natl acad sci u s a. 114(5):1159-1164.

10.niu y, dai z, liu w, zhang c, yang y, guo z, li x, xu c, huang x, wang y, shi ys, liu jj. (2017) ablation of snx6 leads to defects in synaptic function of ca1 pyramidal neurons and spatial memory. elife. 6. pii: e20991.

11.he xy, li yj, kalyanaraman c, qiu ll, chen c, xiao q, liu wx, zhang w, yang jj, chen g, jacobson mp, shi ys. (2016) glua1 signal peptide determines the spatial assembly of heteromeric ampa receptors. proc natl acad sci u s a. 113(38):e5645-54.

12.granger aj, shi y, lu w, cerpas m, nicoll ra. (2013) ltp requires an extrasynaptic pool of glutamate receptors independent of subunit type. nature. 493(7433)495-500

13.herring b, shi y, suh yh, zheng cy, schmid sm, roche kw, nicoll ra. (2013) cornichon proteins determine the subunit composition of synaptic ampa receptors. neuron. 77(6),1083-96

14.gray ja, shi y, usui h, during mj, sakimura k, nicoll ra. (2011) distinct modes of ampa receptor suppression at developing synapses by glun2a and glun2b: analysis of single-cell glun2 subunit deletion in vivo. neuron. 71(6), 1085-1101

15.shi y, suh yh, milstein ad, isozaki k, schmid sm, roche kw, nicoll ra. (2010) functional comparison of the effects of tarps and cornichons on ampa receptor trafficking and gating. proc natl acad sci u s a. 107(37), 16315-16319

16.shi y, lu w, milstein ad, nicoll ra. (2009) the stoichiometry of ampa receptors and tarps varies by neuronal cell types. neuron. 62(5), 633-40

17.lu w, shi y, jackson a, bjorgan k, during mj, sprengel r, seeburg ph, nicoll ra. (2009) subunit composition of synaptic ampa receptors revealed by a single-cell genetic approach. neuron. 62(2), 254-68

2022-2025   自然科学基金委面上项目,neuroplastin调控兴奋/抑制性突触传递和可塑性的机制研究,主持

2020-2024   科技部重大科技专项, 大脑组织中神经与血管偶联发育及血脑屏障建立和稳态维持的调控机制,主持

2019-2022   江苏省社会发展-重点项目-临床前沿技术,精神分裂症动物模型的快速构建和精准治疗的研究,主持

2019     中央高校基金,新型离子通道的功能研究,主持

2019-2021   自然科学基金委重大研究计划培育项目,谷氨酸受体调节亚基tarp g-8缺失导致精神分裂样脑衰老的机制研究,主持

2017      中央高校科研业务专项基金,突触可塑性的分子细胞机制,主持

2016-2017   自然科学基金委面上, 神经活动对ampa受体mrna剪接和突触可塑性的影响,主持

2015-2017   国家科技支撑计划, 大鼠等基因工程动物人类疾病模型研究与服务体系构建,参加

2014-2017   江苏省双创人才

2014-2017   江苏省杰青, 突触可塑性机制研究, 主持

2014-2018   科技部973重大项目, 神经元迁移、形态发生和微环路形成的调控机制, 参加

2014-2018   青年千人

2014-2017   自然科学基金委面上项目, neto蛋白对kainate-型谷氨酸受体的突触定位和功能的调节作用, 主持      


2014  江苏省双创人才

2014  江苏省杰出青年

2007  佐治亚州立大学杰出研究奖
