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中国微循环学会糖尿病与微循环分会青委会主任委员,中国神经科学学会神经内稳态和内分泌分会常委,江苏省医学会内分泌学分会副主任委员、江苏省医学会糖尿病学分会常委。world journal of diabetes、中华糖尿病杂志编委。

1. yanyu   yuan, bin lu, qingyu guo, wei wang, zhouqin feng, xuguang jin, hui zhou, jun   liu, haiyan lei, xinyi yang, jun liu, yanyu liu, jiaqing shao(通讯作者), ping gu.time in range, as an   emerging metric of glycemic control, is associated with orthostatic blood   pressure changes in type 2 diabetes. diabetes res clin pract,2022   jan;183:109179

2. chen   t, zhang z, lei h, fen z, yuan y, jin x, zhou h, liu j, wang w, guo q, li l,   shao j(通讯作者). the   relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-d level and sweat function in   patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. j endocrinol invest. 2022   feb;45(2):361-368.

3. feng   zq, guo qy, wang w, yuan yy, jin xg, zhou h, liu j, lei hy, yang xy, liu j,   lu b, shao jq(通讯作者), gu   p. time in range, especially overnight time in range, is associated with   sudomotor dysfunction in patients with type 1 diabetes. diabetol metab syndr.   2021 oct 26;13(1):119

4. li   x, zhou l, zhang y, he x, lu h, zhang l, tian y, liu x, zheng h, shao j(通讯作者), long m. mgpdh deficiency leads   to melanoma metastasis via induced nrf2. j cell mol med. 2021   jun;25(11):5305-5315

5. xu   sy, keli, zhang z, liu cy, guo qy, lu b, gu p, shao jq(通讯作者). association between time in   range, a novel measurement of glycemic control and islet secretory function   in chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus-an observational study.   diabetes res clin pract. 2021,feb 1;173:108684.

6. chen   j, wang w, guo z, huang s, lei h, zang p, lu b, shao j(通讯作者), gu p. associations between gut   microbiota and thyroidal function status in chinese patients with graves'   disease. j endocrinol invest. 2021 jan 22. doi: 10.1007/s40618-021 -01507-6.   epub ahead of print.

7. qing-yu   guo, bin lu, zhan-hong guo, zhou-qin feng, yan-yu yuan, xu-guang jin, pu   zang, ping gu, jia-qing shao(通讯作者). continuous glucose monitoring defined time-in-range is   associated with sudomotor dysfunction in type 2 diabetes. world j diabetes,2020   (11): 489-500

8. jing   liang j, liu j, chen y, ye b, li n, wang x, tang m, shao j(通讯作者). characteristics of laboratory   findings of covid-19 patients with comorbid diabetes mellitus. diabetes res   clin pract. 2020 jul 22;167:108351.

9.qingyu guo, pu   zang, shaoying xu, wenjing song,zhen zhang, chunyan liu,  zhanhong guo, jing chen, bin lu, ping gu,   jiaqing shao(通讯作者). time   in range, as a novel metric of glycemic control, is reversely associated with   presence of diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy independent of hba1c   in chinese type 2 diabetes. journal of diabetes research, vol.2020, article   id 5817074, 11 pages

10. bai-lu   cao, yue yao, yi-xin xu, jiang fang, wen-jing song, bin hu, qing-yu guo, bin   lu, jie li, ping gu,jia-qing shao(通讯作者). the relationship between β-cell function   indices and sudomotor function in chinese patients with type 2 diabetes. exp   clin endocrinol diabetes (experimental and clinical endocrinology &   diabetes), exp clin endocrinol diabetes. 2021 aug;129(8):553-559.

11. ping   gu, wei wang, yue yao, yixin xu, liping wang, pu zang, jian ma, cuihua yang,   junya liang, bin lu, jiaqing shao(通讯作者).increased circulating chemerin in relation to chronic   microvascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes. international   journal of endocrinology, volume 2019, article id 8693516, 11 pages

12. li   k,song wj,wu x,gu dy,zang p,gu p,lu b,shao jq(通讯作者). associations of serum glucagon levels with   glycemic variability in type 1 diabetes with different disease durations.   endocrine. 2018 sep;61(3):473-481.


1、国家自然科学基金:大黄酸激活sirt1信号通路对胰岛α细胞的作用及机制研究(81873174) , 55万,2019-2022,第一完成人

2、国家自然科学基金:选择性阻断胰岛局部ras 对α细胞胰高血糖素分泌功能的调控作用及机制研究, 70万,2015-2018,第一完成人

3、国家自然科学基金:选择性阻断新发现的胰岛局部ras对β细胞自身胰岛素抵抗及分泌功能的影响, 19万,2009-2011,第一完成人

4、江苏省医学重点人才项目: rnai特异性阻断胰岛局部ras对胰岛分泌功能的影响及机制研究,100万,2011-2015,第一完成人


2、江苏医学科技二等奖: 新型脂肪因子chemerin在代谢性疾病及相关并发症风险评估中的作用第3完成人。

