
电话:邮箱:li_rutian@163.com;rutianli@nju.edu.cn 地址:江苏省南京市中山路321号研究方向:


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李茹恬,江苏南京人,2009年毕业于南京大学医学院(本硕博连读),南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院肿瘤中心主任医师,博士研究生导师;美国md anderson 肿瘤中心访问学者;江苏省“333”工程第三层次人才;江苏省“六大人才高峰”医药类人才;江苏省及南京市强卫工程青年人才;南京市首届卫生杰出青年人才。


恶性肿瘤的纳米靶向治疗及精准免疫治疗。利用靶向高分子纳米药物投递系统领域的工作基础,以肿瘤学临床实践中存在的困境作为切入点,结合肿瘤免疫治疗领域最新理论和技术,进行系列性转化研究。主要对于消化道肿瘤,胃肠道间质瘤,骨与软组织肿瘤,肺癌有较为深入的研究 。


江苏省研究型医院学会神经内分泌肿瘤专业委员会 副主任委员

中国医药教育协会肿瘤放射治疗专业委员会 常务委员

江苏省老年医学会 肿瘤学分会 常务委员

中国抗癌协会整合肿瘤学分会 青年委员

江苏省抗癌协会肿瘤复发与转移专业委员会 青年委员





  1. wang x, gao j, li c, xu c, li x, meng f, liu q, wang q, yu l, liu b, li r. in situ gelatinase-responsive and thermosensitive nanocomplex for local therapy of gastric cancer with peritoneal metastasis.mater today bio. 2022 may 31;15:100305.通讯作者

  2. wang q, yen y,xie c, liu f,liu q, wei j,yu l, wang l, meng f, li r, liu b. combined delivery of salinomycin and docetaxel by dual-targeting gelatinase nanoparticles effectively inhibits cervical cancer cells and cancer stem cells. drug delivery. 2021,28(1): 510-519.通讯作者


  3. wang q, liu f, wang l, xie c, wu p, du s, zhou s, sun z, liu q, yu l, liu b, li r.enhanced and prolonged antitumor effect of salinomycin-loaded gelatinase-responsive nanoparticles via targeted drug delivery and inhibition of cervical cancer stem cells.int j nanomedicine.2020 feb 26;15:1283-1295.通讯作者


  4. wang x, meng f, yen y, li r, liu b. nanotechnology-based car-t strategies for improving efficacy and safety of tumor immunotherapy. adv. funct. mater. 2020, 2004713通讯作者

  5.  yen y, wang x, zhang h, wang c, lin z, xie c, liu q, wang l, yu l, xie l, lv x, liu b, li r. prominent enhancement of cisplatin efficacy with optimized methoxy poly(ethyleneglycol)-polycaprolactone block copolymeric nanoparticles. j. biomed. nanotechnol. 2020; 16, 335–343. 通讯作者

  6.  zhang y, wang l, li r, liu b. the emerging development of tumor mutational burden in patients with nsclc. future oncol. 2020;16(9):469-481. 通讯作者

  7.  wang q, liu f, wang l, xie c, wu p, du s, zhou s, sun z, liu q, yu l, liu b, li r. author information. enhanced and prolonged antitumor effect of salinomycin-loaded gelatinase-responsive nanoparticles via targeted drug delivery and inhibition of cervical cancer stem cells. int j nanomedicine. 2020 (15):1283-1295. 通讯作者

  8.  zhang y, wang l, gao j, li l, jiang p, lv x, yu l, yang j, li r, liu b. clinical significance of epithelial-mesenchymal transition-related molecules in lung adenocarcinoma. curr oncol. 2019;26(2):e121-e127.通讯作者

  9.  gao a, teng y, seyiti p, yen y, qian h, xie c, li r, lin z. using omniscan-loaded nanoparticles as a tumor-targeted mri contrast agent in oral squamous cell carcinoma by gelatinase-stimuli strategy. nanoscale res lett. 2019 dec 30;14(1):395. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-3214-5.通讯作者

  10.  wu p, liu q, wang q, qian h, yu l, liu b, li r. novel silk fibroin nanoparticles incorporated silk fibroin hydrogel for inhibition of cancer stem cells and tumor growth. int j nanomedicine. 2018;13:5405-5418.通讯作者

  11. li r, yan j, xie l, zhang y, gao j, liu q, lin z, jiang p, qian h, yang m, wu f, jiang x, liu b, wang l. facile optimization and evaluation of peg–pcl block copolymeric nanoparticles for anticancer drug delivery using copolymer hybrids and histoculture drug response assays. j. biomed. nanotechnol. 2018,14(2), 321–330

  12. li r, liu b, gao j, the application of nanoparticles in diagnosis and theranostics of gastric cancer. cancer lett, 2016 cancer lett. 2016;386:123-130.

  13.  lu n, li r, liu q, hu b, xu x, ji c, han x, wang p, liu b. antitumor and antimetastatic effects of pemetrexed-loaded targeted nanoparticles in b16 bearing mice. drug deliv. 2016;23(7):2566-2574. 共同第一作者

  14.  wu f, li r, yang m, yue g, wang h, liu q, cui f, wu p, ding h, yu l, qian x, liu b. gelatinases-stimuli nanoparticles encapsulating 5-fluorouridine and 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine enhance the sensitivity of gastric cancer cells to chemical therapeutics. cancer lett. 2015, 363(1):7–16共同第一作者


  15.  wang q, wu p, ren w, xin k, yang y, xie c, yang c, liu q, yu l, jiang x, liu b, li r, wang l. comparative studies of salinomycin-loaded nanoparticles prepared by nanoprecipitation and single emulsion method. nanoscale res lett. 2014 jul 15;9(1):351. doi: 10.1186 / 1556-276x-9-351.通讯作者

  16. cui f, li r, liu q, wu p, hu w, yue g, ding h, yu l, qian x, liu b. enhancement of radiotherapy efficacy by docetaxel-loaded gelatinase-stimuli peg-pep-pcl nanoparticles in gastric cancer. cancer lett. 2014 apr 28;346(1):53-62. 共同第一作者






  1. 胃癌精准个体化治疗 2019江苏省医学科技奖一等奖

  2. 基于分子标志的胃癌精准医疗新发现及其转化研究2019江苏省科学技术奖一等奖

  3. 胃癌靶向纳米药物投递新体系的基础临床研究2015江苏省科学技术奖二等奖

  4. 胃癌靶向纳米药物投递新体系的基础临床研究2015江苏省医学科技二等奖

  5. 胃癌靶向纳米药物投递新体系的基础临床研究2015中华医学科技三等奖

  6. 明胶酶智能靶向纳米药物系统的建立及对胃癌的疗效与机理研究2016高等学校科学研究优秀成果(科技进步)二等奖

  7. 基于恶性肿瘤生理性耐药的纳米药物的个体化应用 2016江苏省医学新技术引进一等奖
