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1. dai h, xu m, lv j, ji x, zhu s, ma r, miao x, duan m.mild hypothermia combined with hydrogen sulfide treatment during resuscitation reduces hippocampal neuron apoptosis via nr2a, nr2b, and pi3k-akt signaling in a rat model of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury[j].mol neurobiol, 2016sep),53(7):4865-73. doi:10.1007/s12035-015-9391-z

2. li q, yu p, zeng q, luo b, cai s, hui k, yu g, zhu c, chen x, duan m, sun x. neuroprotective effect of hydrogen-rich saline in global cerebral ischemia/reperfusion rats: up-regulated tregs and down-regulated mir-21, mir-210 and nf-κb expression[j]. neurochem res. 2016;41(10):2655-2665. doi:10.1007/s11064-016-1978-x

3. gao y, gui q, jin l, yu p, wu l, cao l, wang q, duan m. hydrogen-rich saline attenuates hippocampus endoplasmic reticulum stress after cardiac arrest in rats.neurosci lett. 20176401):29-36.( pii: s0304-3940(17)30030-7. ) doi: 10.1016/j.neulet. 2017.01.020.

4. fan j, cai s, zhong h, cao l, hui k, xu m, duan m, xu j.therapeutic hypothermia attenuates global cerebral reperfusion-induced mitochondrial damage by suppressing dynamin-related protein 1 activation and mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in a cardiac arrest rat model. neurosci lett. 2017,647(3):45-52 doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.02.065.

5. wu l, sun h, gao y, hui k, xu m, zhong h, duan m. therapeutic hypothermia enhances cold-inducible rna-binding protein expression and inhibits mitochondrial apoptosis in a rat model of cardiac arrest[j]. mol neurobiol. 2017(5),54(4):2697–2705. doi: 10.1007/ s12035-016-9813-6 

6. li yt, wang m, gu zy, xu mm, zhang ld, duan ml. effect of intraoperative fluid administration on postoperative complications and length of stay following meningioma resection: a retrospective analysis. j clin anesth. 2020 jul 15;67:109985. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinane.2020.109985. epub ahead of print. pmid: 32682250. 

7. li q, hu l, li j, yu p, hu f, wan b, xu m, cheng h, yu w, jiang l, shi y, li j, duan m, long y, liu wt. hydrogen attenuates endotoxin-induced lung injury by activating thioredoxin 1 and decreasing tissue factor expression. front immunol. 2021 mar 9;12:625957. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.625957. pmid: 33767697; pmcid: pmc7985449.

8. xiong j, hui k, xu m, zhou j, zhang j, duan m. distal radial artery as an alternative approach to forearm radial artery for perioperative blood pressure monitoring: a randomized, controlled, noninferiority trial. bmc anesthesiol. 2022 mar 9;22(1):67. doi: 10.1186/s12871-022-01609-5. pmid: 35264106; pmcid: pmc8905752.

9. zheng l, jia j, chen y, liu r, cao r, duan m, zhang m, xu y. pentoxifylline alleviates ischemic white matter injury through up-regulating mertk-mediated myelin clearance[j].. j neuroinflammation. 202219(1):128. doi: 10.1186/s12974-022-02480-4. pmid: 35642056; pmcid: pmc9153105. 

10. shao l, zhou y, yue z, gu z, zhang j, hui k, xiong j, xu m, duan m. pupil maximum constriction velocity predicts post-induction hypotension in patients with lower asa status: a prospective observational study. bmc anesthesiol. 2022 aug 31;22(1):274. doi: 10.1186/s12871-022-01808-0. pmid: 36045336; pmcid: pmc9429781.

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