yun shi-欧洲杯下单平台

yun shi
personal profile:

yun shi received his ph.d. in physiology from georgia state university in 2007, where he focused on studying the function and regulation of vascular katp channels. after completing his phd, he pursued postdoctoral training with professor roger nicoll at ucsf, where he investigated synaptic plasticity. in 2013, he became a professor and principal investigator at the model animal research center, nanjing university.


dr. shi has received several awards and accolades for his work, including the overseas high-level excellent youth talent plan, the jiangsu mass entrepreneurship and innovation talent plan, and the jiangsu outstanding youth award. his research interests center on the mechanisms of synaptic transmission and plasticity, as well as related neural diseases.


dr. shi’s groundbreaking research on the maintaining mechanism for ltp was recognized as one of the top ten breakthroughs by the chinese neuroscience society in 2021. he has presided over four nsfc-funded projects, participated in three projects of the ministry of science and technology, and received numerous other research grants. dr. shi has coauthored over 70 research papers in top biomedical journals such as nature, neuron, molecular psychiatry, nature communications, and pnas, among others.

