di chen-欧洲杯下单平台

di chen
personal profile:

di chen obtained his bachelor’s degree in marine biology from the ocean university of china in 1997. he then pursued his ph.d. in genetics from the university of missouri-columbia, the united states, under the supervision of dr. donald l. riddle to investigate how the nematode c. elegans responds to genetic and environmental cues to enter and exit developmental diapause, and received his doctoral degree in 2004. following this, he pursued post-doctoral training in dr. pankaj kapahi’s lab at the buck institute for research on aging, the united states, where he explored the molecular mechanisms of aging. in 2013, he joined the model animal research center at nanjing university as a principal investigator and associate professor. his research focuses on studying the basic biology of aging and age-related pathologies using the c. elegans model.

